Ron Wilson
1945 – May 7, 1989

surfaris_l1Ron Wilson was the original drummer for Southern California surf band, the Surfaris.   It was Wilson’s pounding drum riff that opened “Wipe Out” and became the bench mark to which all drum riffs would forever be judged.  Wilson died of a brain aneurysm on May 7, 1989.

2 thoughts on “Died On This Date (May 7, 1989) Ron Wilson / The Surfaris”
  1. it needs more becuse i am doing a report on him for band and there is nothing. i cant make a 500 word biography with this.
    but i am glad that you put it on the internet cause like i said there is close to nothing on him

  2. It is hard to remember the years but sometime in either 1963,64 or 65 in Houston Texas heard a band playing in a garage. We went by to listen and they were playing Wipeout.The bands name was The Surfaries.Also the drummer was blind or partially blind,could this have been the original Surfaries?

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