Sidney “Hardrock” Gunter Jr.
February 27, 1925 – March 15, 2013
Hardrock Gunter was an American country singer, songwriter and guitarist whose rave-ups are considered to be the earliest examples of rock ‘n roll and rockabilly. After playing in a few bands during his teens, Gunter took a shine to television and became a local TV personality for a bit. In 1950, he cut his self-penned “Birmingham Bounce” which came out a year before “Rocket 88,” the song that is generally credited as being the first rock ‘n roll song ever. More records followed, including “Sixty Minute Man” which was one of the first country songs to cross over to R&B. Gunter continued to record and perform until he retired from music during the ’60s to get into the insurance business. During the mid ’90s, he returned to the stage to perform at festivals and rockabilly events throughout Europe and the U.S. Hardrock Gunter was 88 when he died of pneumonia on March 15, 2013.
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