Barbara Buchholz
December 8, 1959 – April 10, 2012

Barbara Buchholz was a German composer and musician who is considered one of the finest theremin players the world has ever known. The instrument, patented in 1928 by inventor, Leon Theremin, is an electronic device that is played by running one’s hand between its two antennas without ever making contact with the instrument. It transmits an eerie whistle type sound that was common in old science fiction films and television programs. Buchholz began playing the guitar, bass, and flute early in life, and it wasn’t until the late ’90s that she took up the theremin after meeting Lydia Kavina, a grandniece of Theremin. She soon became one of Kavina’s star pupils and collaborated with her on 2006’s Touch! Don’t Touch!. Barbara Buchholz was 52 when she died of cancer on April 10, 2012.
Thanks to Henk de Bruin at 2+ Printing for the assist.