Kristen Pfaff
May 26, 1967 – June 16, 1994
Member of the 27 Club
Kristen Pfaff was a late bloomer when it came to playing the bass. Although she studied piano and cello in college, it wasn’t until after she graduated that she taught herself how to play the bass. Pfaff soon co-founded Minneapolis local faves, Janitor Joe who would eventually sign to hip indie label Amphetamine Reptile Records. While on a west coast tour with Janitor Joe, Pfaff was approached by Courtney Love and Eric Erlandson to join their band, Hole. Pfaff reluctantly agreed and packed her bags and moved to Seattle, where she helped ignite the grunge movement. While in Seattle, Pfaff struggled with herion addiction just as the band was becoming popular outside the Northwest. And then in April of 1994, close friend Kurt Cobain was found dead of what was ruled a suicide and everything changed. Pfaff packed up and moved back to Minneapolis to rejoin Janitor Joe. Sadly, Kristen Pfaff was found dead of an apparent accidental heroin overdose.
What You Should Own

Really? geffen & love is the lasting tribute?
“to the victor, go the spoils”