David “Screaming Lord” Sutch
November 10, 1940 – June 16, 1999
Screaming Lord Sutch was a vocally challenged ’60s era British rock singer who helped lay the foundation of what would be called garage rock. His recordings are mostly associated with famed UK producer, Joe Meek. On stage, Sutch’s performances included horror theatrics that likely influenced Alice Cooper to do the same. His songs have been covered by such bands as the White Stripes and the Black Lips, despite the fact that his Lord Sutch And Heavy Friends album has been called the worst album of all times in at least two places. The “heavy friends” in this case were Nicky Hopkins, Jimmy Page, John Bonham, Jeff Beck and Noel Redding. Reported to suffer from depression, Sutch hung himself on June 16, 1999.
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